- All `rocker-versioned` images build on `debian:jessie`, the current stable release of Debian. (`r-base` and all `:latest`-tagged rocker images build from `debian:testing` and `debian:unstable` repos, which provide more recent versions of libraries and compilers, but the regular updates to these can break dependent packages).
-`rstudio` image builds with rstudio v 1.0.44 by default. This can be customized by specifying the desired version in `--build-arg RSTUIO_VERSION=<VERSION>` if building locally from the `rstudio` Dockerfile.
-`tidyverse:3.3.2` and `verse:3.3.2` images install all packages from an MRAN snapshot of CRAN on the 2016-11-08. Users can ensure any additional packages they install use this snapshot by passing the argument `repos=getOption('repos')[['MRAN']]` to `install.packages`; otherwise `install.packages` will default to installing the most recent version available from the RStudio CRAN mirror (<https://cran.rstudio.com>)
-`tidyverse:3.3.2` and `verse:3.3.2` images install all packages from an MRAN snapshot of CRAN on the 2016-11-08. `install.packages` will still default to installing the most recent version available from the RStudio CRAN mirror (<https://cran.rstudio.com>). Downstream Dockerfiles that install using the `install.r` script (as used in `tidyverse` and `verse` will install from this snapshot, which is stored as `REPOS` variable in the system `Renviron`.
- Users can set a custom snapshot date for the `tidyverse` image by using `--build-arg BUILD_DATE=<DATE>` if building locally from the `tidyverse` Dockerfile.
-`tidyverse:latest` will install all packages from the latest snapshot of CRAN. Users can install additional packages from this same snapshot with the same additional argument mentioned above.
-`tidyverse:latest`and `verse:latest`will install all R packages using the latest available snapshot of CRAN at the time of build, and always build on the latest version of R from `r-ver:latest`.