Olivier Benz authored
- base: Use Zsh as default shell for NB_USER - base: Add 'Resource Monitor' extension
Olivier Benz authored- base: Use Zsh as default shell for NB_USER - base: Add 'Resource Monitor' extension
start.sh 12.78 KiB
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
set -e
# The _log function is used for everything this script wants to log. It will
# always log errors and warnings, but can be silenced for other messages
# by setting JUPYTER_DOCKER_STACKS_QUIET environment variable.
_log () {
if [[ "$*" == "ERROR:"* ]] || [[ "$*" == "WARNING:"* ]] || [[ "${JUPYTER_DOCKER_STACKS_QUIET}" == "" ]]; then
echo "$@"
_log "Entered start.sh with args:" "$@"
# The run-hooks function looks for .sh scripts to source and executable files to
# run within a passed directory.
run-hooks () {
if [[ ! -d "${1}" ]] ; then
_log "${0}: running hooks in ${1} as uid / gid: $(id -u) / $(id -g)"
for f in "${1}/"*; do
case "${f}" in
_log "${0}: running script ${f}"
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "${f}"
if [[ -x "${f}" ]] ; then
_log "${0}: running executable ${f}"
_log "${0}: ignoring non-executable ${f}"
_log "${0}: done running hooks in ${1}"
# A helper function to unset env vars listed in the value of the env var
unset_explicit_env_vars () {
if [ -n "${JUPYTER_ENV_VARS_TO_UNSET}" ]; then
for env_var_to_unset in $(echo "${JUPYTER_ENV_VARS_TO_UNSET}" | tr ',' ' '); do
echo "Unset ${env_var_to_unset} due to JUPYTER_ENV_VARS_TO_UNSET"
unset "${env_var_to_unset}"
# Default to starting bash if no command was specified
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
cmd=( "bash" )
cmd=( "$@" )
# NOTE: This hook will run as the user the container was started with!
run-hooks /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d
# If the container started as the root user, then we have permission to refit
# the jovyan user, and ensure file permissions, grant sudo rights, and such
# things before we run the command passed to start.sh as the desired user
# (NB_USER).
if [ "$(id -u)" == 0 ] ; then
# Environment variables:
# - NB_USER: the desired username and associated home folder
# - NB_UID: the desired user id
# - NB_GID: a group id we want our user to belong to
# - NB_GROUP: a group name we want for the group
# - GRANT_SUDO: a boolean ("1" or "yes") to grant the user sudo rights
# - CHOWN_HOME: a boolean ("1" or "yes") to chown the user's home folder
# - CHOWN_EXTRA: a comma separated list of paths to chown
# - CHOWN_HOME_OPTS / CHOWN_EXTRA_OPTS: arguments to the chown commands
# - CHMOD_HOME: a boolean ("1" or "yes") to chmod the user's home folder
# - CHMOD_HOME_MODE: mode argument to the chmod command
# Refit the jovyan user to the desired the user (NB_USER)
if id jovyan &> /dev/null ; then
if ! usermod --home "/home/${NB_USER}" --login "${NB_USER}" jovyan 2>&1 | grep "no changes" > /dev/null; then
_log "Updated the jovyan user:"
_log "- username: jovyan -> ${NB_USER}"
_log "- home dir: /home/jovyan -> /home/${NB_USER}"
elif ! id -u "${NB_USER}" &> /dev/null; then
_log "ERROR: Neither the jovyan user or '${NB_USER}' exists. This could be the result of stopping and starting, the container with a different NB_USER environment variable."
exit 1
# Ensure the desired user (NB_USER) gets its desired user id (NB_UID) and is
# a member of the desired group (NB_GROUP, NB_GID)
if [ "${NB_UID}" != "$(id -u "${NB_USER}")" ] || [ "${NB_GID}" != "$(id -g "${NB_USER}")" ]; then
_log "Update ${NB_USER}'s UID:GID to ${NB_UID}:${NB_GID}"
# Ensure the desired group's existence
if [ "${NB_GID}" != "$(id -g "${NB_USER}")" ]; then
groupadd --force --gid "${NB_GID}" --non-unique "${NB_GROUP:-${NB_USER}}"
# Recreate the desired user as we want it
userdel "${NB_USER}"
useradd --home "/home/${NB_USER}" --shell "$(which zsh)" --uid "${NB_UID}" --gid "${NB_GID}" --groups 100 --no-log-init "${NB_USER}"
# Move or symlink the jovyan home directory to the desired users home
# directory if it doesn't already exist, and update the current working
# directory to the new location if needed.
if [[ "${NB_USER}" != "jovyan" ]]; then
if [[ ! -e "/home/${NB_USER}" ]]; then
_log "Attempting to copy /home/jovyan to /home/${NB_USER}..."
mkdir "/home/${NB_USER}"
if cp -a /home/jovyan/. "/home/${NB_USER}/"; then
_log "Success!"
_log "Failed to copy data from /home/jovyan to /home/${NB_USER}!"
_log "Attempting to symlink /home/jovyan to /home/${NB_USER}..."
if ln -s /home/jovyan "/home/${NB_USER}"; then
_log "Success creating symlink!"
_log "ERROR: Failed copy data from /home/jovyan to /home/${NB_USER} or to create symlink!"
exit 1
# The home directory could be bind mounted. Populate it if it is empty
elif [[ "$(ls -A "/home/${NB_USER}" 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]]; then
_log "Populating home dir /home/${NB_USER}..."
if cp -a /home/jovyan/. "/home/${NB_USER}/"; then
_log "Success!"
_log "ERROR: Failed to copy data from /home/jovyan to /home/${NB_USER}!"
exit 1
# Ensure the current working directory is updated to the new path
if [[ "${PWD}/" == "/home/jovyan/"* ]]; then
_log "Changing working directory to ${new_wd}"
cd "${new_wd}"
# Optionally ensure the desired user get filesystem ownership of it's home
# folder and/or additional folders
if [[ "${CHOWN_HOME}" == "1" || "${CHOWN_HOME}" == "yes" ]]; then
_log "Ensuring /home/${NB_USER} is owned by ${NB_UID}:${NB_GID} ${CHOWN_HOME_OPTS:+(chown options: ${CHOWN_HOME_OPTS})}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
chown ${CHOWN_HOME_OPTS} "${NB_UID}:${NB_GID}" "/home/${NB_USER}"
if [ -n "${CHOWN_EXTRA}" ]; then
for extra_dir in $(echo "${CHOWN_EXTRA}" | tr ',' ' '); do
_log "Ensuring ${extra_dir} is owned by ${NB_UID}:${NB_GID} ${CHOWN_EXTRA_OPTS:+(chown options: ${CHOWN_EXTRA_OPTS})}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
chown ${CHOWN_EXTRA_OPTS} "${NB_UID}:${NB_GID}" "${extra_dir}"
# Optionally change the mode of the user's home folder
if [[ "${CHMOD_HOME}" == "1" || "${CHMOD_HOME}" == "yes" ]]; then
chmod "${CHMOD_HOME_MODE:-755}" "/home/${NB_USER}"
# Update potentially outdated environment variables since image build
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="/home/${NB_USER}/.cache"
# Prepend ${CONDA_DIR}/bin to sudo secure_path
sed -r "s#Defaults\s+secure_path\s*=\s*\"?([^\"]+)\"?#Defaults secure_path=\"${CONDA_DIR}/bin:\1\"#" /etc/sudoers | grep secure_path > /etc/sudoers.d/path
# Optionally grant passwordless sudo rights for the desired user
if [[ "$GRANT_SUDO" == "1" || "$GRANT_SUDO" == "yes" ]]; then
_log "Granting ${NB_USER} passwordless sudo rights!"
echo "${NB_USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/added-by-start-script
# NOTE: This hook is run as the root user!
run-hooks /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d
_log "Running as ${NB_USER}:" "${cmd[@]}"
exec sudo --preserve-env --set-home --user "${NB_USER}" \
PATH="${PATH}" \
# Notes on how we ensure that the environment that this container is started
# with is preserved (except vars listed in JUPYTER_ENV_VARS_TO_UNSET) when
# we transition from running as root to running as NB_USER.
# - We use `sudo` to execute the command as NB_USER. What then
# happens to the environment will be determined by configuration in
# /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/* as well as flags we pass to the sudo
# command. The behavior can be inspected with `sudo -V` run as root.
# ref: `man sudo` https://linux.die.net/man/8/sudo
# ref: `man sudoers` https://www.sudo.ws/man/1.8.15/sudoers.man.html
# - We use the `--preserve-env` flag to pass through most environment
# variables, but understand that exceptions are caused by the sudoers
# configuration: `env_delete` and `env_check`.
# - We use the `--set-home` flag to set the HOME variable appropriately.
# - To reduce the default list of variables deleted by sudo, we could have
# used `env_delete` from /etc/sudoers. It has higher priority than the
# `--preserve-env` flag and the `env_keep` configuration.
# - We preserve PATH and PYTHONPATH explicitly. Note however that sudo
# resolves `${cmd[@]}` using the "secure_path" variable we modified
# above in /etc/sudoers.d/path. Thus PATH is irrelevant to how the above
# sudo command resolves the path of `${cmd[@]}`. The PATH will be relevant
# for resolving paths of any subprocesses spawned by `${cmd[@]}`.
# The container didn't start as the root user, so we will have to act as the
# user we started as.
# Warn about misconfiguration of: granting sudo rights
if [[ "${GRANT_SUDO}" == "1" || "${GRANT_SUDO}" == "yes" ]]; then
_log "WARNING: container must be started as root to grant sudo permissions!"
JOVYAN_UID="$(id -u jovyan 2>/dev/null)" # The default UID for the jovyan user
JOVYAN_GID="$(id -g jovyan 2>/dev/null)" # The default GID for the jovyan user
# Attempt to ensure the user uid we currently run as has a named entry in
# the /etc/passwd file, as it avoids software crashing on hard assumptions
# on such entry. Writing to the /etc/passwd was allowed for the root group
# from the Dockerfile during build.
# ref: https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/issues/552
if ! whoami &> /dev/null; then
_log "There is no entry in /etc/passwd for our UID=$(id -u). Attempting to fix..."
if [[ -w /etc/passwd ]]; then
_log "Renaming old jovyan user to nayvoj ($(id -u jovyan):$(id -g jovyan))"
# We cannot use "sed --in-place" since sed tries to create a temp file in
# /etc/ and we may not have write access. Apply sed on our own temp file:
sed --expression="s/^jovyan:/nayvoj:/" /etc/passwd > /tmp/passwd
echo "${NB_USER}:x:$(id -u):$(id -g):,,,:/home/jovyan:$(which zsh)" >> /tmp/passwd
cat /tmp/passwd > /etc/passwd
rm /tmp/passwd
_log "Added new ${NB_USER} user ($(id -u):$(id -g)). Fixed UID!"
if [[ "${NB_USER}" != "jovyan" ]]; then
_log "WARNING: user is ${NB_USER} but home is /home/jovyan. You must run as root to rename the home directory!"
_log "WARNING: unable to fix missing /etc/passwd entry because we don't have write permission. Try setting gid=0 with \"--user=$(id -u):0\"."
# Warn about misconfiguration of: desired username, user id, or group id.
# A misconfiguration occurs when the user modifies the default values of
# NB_USER, NB_UID, or NB_GID, but we cannot update those values because we
# are not root.
if [[ "${NB_USER}" != "jovyan" && "${NB_USER}" != "$(id -un)" ]]; then
_log "WARNING: container must be started as root to change the desired user's name with NB_USER=\"${NB_USER}\"!"
if [[ "${NB_UID}" != "${JOVYAN_UID}" && "${NB_UID}" != "$(id -u)" ]]; then
_log "WARNING: container must be started as root to change the desired user's id with NB_UID=\"${NB_UID}\"!"
if [[ "${NB_GID}" != "${JOVYAN_GID}" && "${NB_GID}" != "$(id -g)" ]]; then
_log "WARNING: container must be started as root to change the desired user's group id with NB_GID=\"${NB_GID}\"!"
# Warn if the user isn't able to write files to ${HOME}
if [[ ! -w /home/jovyan ]]; then
_log "WARNING: no write access to /home/jovyan. Try starting the container with group 'users' (100), e.g. using \"--group-add=users\"."
# NOTE: This hook is run as the user we started the container as!
run-hooks /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d
_log "Executing the command:" "${cmd[@]}"
exec "${cmd[@]}"