# Development documentation
## The manager logic
The manager is responsible for detecting the correct root file and once detected to parse the whole project. Its logic is shown as follows.
graph TD
A[OnWatchedFileChanged] --> B[ParseFileAndSubs];
C([After finding a new root file]) -->|On the root file| B;
C --> D[ParseFls];
E([After a successful build]) --> D;
D -->|For new files| B;
B -->|For every file| F[ParseInputFiles];
B -->|For new files| G[addToFileWatcher];
F -->|For new files| B
These scripts are actually only frontend to the `pyintel` package, which implements the core mechanisms. It fetches the latest list of packages and classes along with their descriptions from CTAN at It uses the TeXLive Package database `texlive.tlpdb` retrieved from
It produces the intellisense data for classes and packages and save the result as json files: `../data/classnames.json` and `../data/packagenames.json`.
The list of classes is computed from the TeXLive Package database by looking for all `.cls` files. The description associated to each class is obtained from CTAN.
Getting a proper list of packages is tricky as the package names (as listed by CTAN) do not always match the base names of the `.sty` files to be loaded by `\usepackage`. This is handled in the following way
- We use the TeXLive Package database to
- List all the `.sty` files provided by TeXLive
- For every package, list the `.sty` files it contains. The name to pass to `\usepackage` is the base name of one of the `.sty` files listed there.
- If `pkg.sty` exists in the TeXLive Package database, store `pkg` for package intellisense.
- If not, search if a package `pkg/` exists in the TeXLive Package database and look up a file whose lowercase name matches `pkg`. If it is found, then save it for package intellisense.
As some packages cannot be properly detected using the above mechanism, we maintain a list of extra packages to be added to the list in [extra-packagenames.json](extra-packagenames.json). These packages are automatically added at the end of the [``](dev/ script.
It parses uni-math symbols from and save the result as a json file. The result is used to generate command intellisense.
usage: [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [-i INFILE [INFILE ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Directory where to write the JSON files. Default is LaTeX-Workshop/data/packages
-i INFILE [INFILE ...], --infile INFILE [INFILE ...]
Files to process. Default is the content stored in the `./cwl` sub-directory.
This script generates intellisense data from the files given by `-i` option and writes the generated `.json` files to the directory specified by `-o`. Note that the directory must already exist. It is recommended to first run the script `` to download live raw data from Note that this requires subversion installed.
For every package or class, one `.json` file is generated, containing the data for the package defined in the `.cwl` file. This file has the following structure
includes: string[] // this list of string describes the parent packages this package imports
cmds: {[key: string]: Cmd} // all commands of this package
envs: {[key: string]: Env} // all environments of this package
options: string[] // the options that can be used for \usepackage this package
keyvals: string[][] // the keyvals cmds and envs may have, referred by the index in array
In this `json` object, the commands have the following structure:
snippet: string | undefined, // the snippet to insert, undefined if the same as item key.
option: string | undefined, // the package option that enables this command
keyvalindex: number | undefined, // the possible optional keyvals of this command by its index in package.keyvals
keyvalpos: number | undefined, // the index of argument (mandatory and optional together) where the keyvals should be hinted
detail: string | undefined,
documentation: string | undefined
An example is:
"acro{}{}": {
"snippet": "acro{${1:acronym}}{${2:full name}}"
The optional argument intellisense are typically defined as follows:
"mint[]{}{}": {
"snippet": "mint[${3:keys}]{${1:language}}{${2:verbatimSymbol}}",
"keyvalindex": 0,
"keyvalpos": 0
The environments have the following structure:
name: string | undefined, // the environment name, undefined if the same as item key.
snippet: string | undefined, // the snippet to insert after \begin{env}, undefined if is an empty string
option: string | undefined, // the package option that enables this environment
keyvalindex: number | undefined, // the possible optional keyvals of this environment by its index in package.keyvals
keyvalpos: number | undefined, // the index of argument (mandatory and optional together) where the keyvals should be hinted
An example is:
"aligned[]": {
"name": "aligned",
Completion files for classes are all prefixed by `class-`.
This script generates intellisense data for LaTeX stored in [`../data/expl3.json`](../data/expl3.json).
## Grammar files
- `update-grammar.js` retrieves the latest grammar files from
-`build-grammar.js` generates the `.json` grammar files from `.yaml`.