#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2024 b-data GmbH. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. set -e CRAN_ORIG=$(sed -n "s/.*CRAN='\(.*\)'),.*$/\1/p" "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site") CRAN_ORIG_P3M=${CRAN_ORIG//packagemanager.posit.co/p3m.dev} # Update CRAN mirror if [[ "$CRAN" != "$CRAN_ORIG" ]]; then _log "Setting CRAN mirror to $CRAN" sed -i "s|$CRAN_ORIG|$CRAN|g" "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site" fi # Use binary packages if [[ "$R_BINARY_PACKAGES" == "1" || "$R_BINARY_PACKAGES" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ "$CRAN" == "$CRAN_ORIG" || "$CRAN" == "$CRAN_ORIG_P3M" ]]; then . /etc/os-release # Update environment variable CRAN _log "Updating CRAN mirror:" _log "- from: $CRAN" CRAN=${CRAN//cran/"cran/__linux__/$VERSION_CODENAME"} export CRAN # Set options repos and HTTPUserAgent in Rprofile.site [[ "$CRAN" == "$CRAN_ORIG_P3M" ]] && sed -i "s/packagemanager.posit.co/p3m.dev/g" \ "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site" sed -i "s|cran|cran/__linux__/$VERSION_CODENAME|g" \ "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site" echo '# https://docs.rstudio.com/rspm/admin/serving-binaries/#binaries-r-configuration-linux' \ >> "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site" echo 'options(HTTPUserAgent = sprintf("R/%s R (%s)", getRversion(), paste(getRversion(), R.version["platform"], R.version["arch"], R.version["os"])))' \ >> "$(R RHOME)/etc/Rprofile.site" _log "- to: $CRAN" else _log "WARNING: Use $CRAN_ORIG for switching to binary packages!" fi fi